Accurate Estimates. Excellent Services. Customized to Your Organization’s Needs.
A thorough review of the available bid documents including technical specifications, bidding requirements, bid forms and geotechnical reports is performed. This information is used to develop or confirm specific tasks, price structure and scope of work. We create your material and earthwork volumes using Earthworks software. We provide you with detailed volumes and cost evaluations for your sitework scope of work.
To determine earthwork volumes, existing and proposed conditions are compared to provide you with an accurate account of cut and fill quantities using Earthworks Software including the following items: Clearing Area Export or Import Quantities Cut/Fill Quantities to Subgrade Volume and Area Reports Top Soil Stripping and Re-spread Quantities
When your new estimator is being oriented to your company, he or she may be tied up with training and not yet ready to take on the bidding process.
A project comes up that your company is capable of completing, but your estimating staff might not be confident or have the right experience for that type of work. Please ask us about our specialties in industrial and commercial construction.
We can take on a large and complex estimate that would tie up your estimator. This expands your estimator's capabilities to complete additional projects and change order estimates for existing work.
Before you're bound to a contract, we can provide a bid check estimate to reduce risk and make you feel confident in placing your bid.